2002 John Deere 893 Header-Corn For Sale
- Price
- $4,999 USD
- Description
- Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, For Sale
Status On Yard - Stock #
- 159839
- Serial
- HO893X695746
- Store
- Sparrow & Kennedy Tractor
- Address
- PO Box 160
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Scranton, South Carolina 29591
- Phone
- 843 389-2727
- Fax
- 843-389-7259
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Stock #: 159839
- Make: John Deere
- Model: 893
- Year: 2002
- Serial#: HO893X695746
- Head just came out of the field cutting corn. If you have any questions give Jason Stone a call at 843-250-3348.
- Number of Rows 8
- Header Row Spacing 30
- StalkMaster No