2023 Bush Hog TDC1500 Rotary Cutter For Sale
- Price
- $19,900 USD
- Description
- Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale
- Stock #
- 158446
- Serial
- 393519
- Store
- Sparrow & Kennedy Tractor
- Address
- 5730 Savannah Hwy
- City, State,
Zip/Postal Code - Ravenel, South Carolina 29455
- Phone
- 843 769-9881
- Languages Spoken
- English
- Stock #: 158446
- Status: On Yard
- Make: Bush Hog
- Year: 2023
- Model: TDC1500
- Serial#: 393519
- Bush Hog 15" Tri Deck Finish Mower, Lightly Used, Mowing widths from 12' – 17' that make short work of large property, and are equally complemented by adjustable wings that flex and float over uneven ground for a finely groomed appearance.
- Type 15 Ft
- Type Wing-Fold